It seems to me NT's,even the most introverted NT people,and even NT people with other Neurological conditions besides Autism and Asperger's spend all of their time socializing and when every single time a Aspie tries to start a Conversation with them,it's always something like"get away from me","I'm too busy","back off","you're a freak",you're not worth talking to" along with other things like that,and no this isn't a teenagers thing. NT(non AS/ASD) people do same thing towards Aspies in their 20s,30s, 40s and even older as well.To me,NT people are same,whether if they are extroverted,introverted or NT'S with other Neurological conditions.They dislike Aspies. They don't try to get to know Aspies because we're awkward. They judge Aspies for no reason.They expect for us to so perfect,but yet they make mistakes.They criticize Aspies,no matter what Aspies do.I also believe that Aspies are superior in many ways considering what we go through, and the fact we don't need any friendships or romantic relationships like everyone else do,including people with other Neurological conditions besides AS/ASD,whether it's becasue we don't have the desire to or it's becasue we simply just decided to not try anymore after getting rejected so much.