as408 wrote:
When somebody decides to reject me, how can I discern if it's because of:
#1 something I did (ie: inadvertent offending, talking too much, coming off as insensitive, etc)
#2 stupid reason (brown skin color, eyeglasses, clothing style, etc)?
The obvious answer is to briefly look at the issue, see if I did anything wrong and move on.
problem? what if I'm missing something!
Well, if it were that straightforward, we probably wouldn't need advice sites like WP. People are seldom forthcoming about the REASON they reject you. Often they haven't even articulated it to themselves.
Also: Similar reasons that could easily fit into #1 category, but are just as trivial as those in #2: being too shy, too quiet, not funny enough, not "cool" enough, looking like someone they don't like, not being attractive enough, too aloof, too serious, not liking what they like, jealousy... we can do this forever. People almost like to find things to dislike, I swear.