Don't get me wrong: I am not saying I want to be in a friend zone. Quite the opposite, I really want to date. But, at the same time, I want to have female friends as well. I guess I want both: to date one woman and to have other women as friends.
I guess, even when I look at this board, when I see a female expressing a concern about something, there is often another female coming to support her. But when males express a concern, its usually males that come to support them. Now, male support isn't as valuable as female support from emotional standpoint, so I wish I could get more female support. Sometimes I wonder: do women perceive a woman with problems differently than they perceive a man with problems? What do you think is the reason for it? Which poll options do you think explain this pattern of behavior?
I guess, to be fair, back in 2005, there was one female whom I met in class who was super supportive. But then when I asked her out and realized I was in a friend zone, then I took it personally and the whole thing fell apart. So I guess next time I have a female friend I should refrain from asking her out so that I can keep her friendship. But then again, I want a girlfriend too. So I dunno what to do.
Sometimes I wish I was a woman, and then I would get all the female emotional support and, at the same time, I won't have to feel bad for not having a girlfriend. Although I assure you I wouldn't have any boyfriend either -- I am attracted solely to women, regardless of my gender. But I don't mind being a woman and being single for my whole life. After all, the sex thing isn't that important to me, what I find important is the emotional connection. SO having emotional connection with women -- without a stigma that "it is bad to be in a friend zone" -- would be all I want.
But then again, I don't want to be around guys who look at me as a woman, so I guess I want to be chamilion, being a male around males and female around females. Speaking of males, a few days ago I was running to the bus that was about to depart, and some guy walking down the street said "bud you need to hurry". I thought to myself "wow, isn't it great that guy thought of me as one of his fellow guys, as opposed to a complete outcast I am normally perceived as?" So I guess in that context I wanted to be a guy since otherwise he wouldn't have addressed me that way. So I guess, all in all, I would like people to treat me as one of their own, whether that be guys or girls. But I would value female friendship far higher than male friendship, due to the emotional component that it carries.