Anybody with professional experiences with HFA colleagues, clients, friends?
Any professionals such as therapists, counselors, advisors, agencies e.g., AANE experienced with HFA?
As a person with HFA, I've long related to people who are both thoughtful people both outside, and within their professional settings. I've also found settings with impartiality, and objectivity to offer a guidance of sorts.
Being 'The Social Skills & Making Friends Forum' here on WrongPlanet (WP), I've advocated enlisting people experienced with HFA (that is professional experiences AND/OR personal experiences with HFA) to help those with HFA in developing friendships.
From my own personal experiences, practice through small-talk (as well as osmosis gleaned from people watching - for lack of a better term) might boost confidence in developing friendships. Yet, actually finding that awesome facilitator experienced with HFA proves elusive.
The (AANE) Autism Asperger NEtwork appears "ahead of the curve" in understanding the challenges facing HFA. Can AANE add to this discussion thread?
Can those with professional experiences with HFA encourage a much needed healthy dynamic here on WrongPlanet (WP)? As many of us on the Autism Spectrum use WP as a rough guide of sorts, professional contributions here on WP might boost both personal growth, as well encouraging more people to seek professional resources.