Twilightprincess wrote:
My life could be described as a tragedy up until this point, but I still think there is much beauty and sublime experiences to be had in the here and now.
There's a melancholy about beauty and sublimity; they only ever
point the way towards happiness, always leaving something further to be discovered. I've come to believe that that
ne plus ultra can only be achieved by religious devotion.
There are shreds of happiness to be had here and there, but the balance of pleasure and pain will always favour the latter (for good biological reasons, if nothing else). The greatest happiness comes from devotion to our God on a personal level and, on an interpersonal level, striving not to bring pleasure to others (necessarily), but chiefly to rid them of their pain, which is far more preponderant. In secular terms, you can compare this to Popper's "negative utilitarianism". We must do all this in a spirit of humility and selflessness.