I have a best friend in real life who's autistic like me, and we've basically been buddies since we were little kids. We talk a bit online, but it's been a while since we've actually seen each other. I've been meaning to hang out with him more, but over the years I've been feeling more and more socially awkward. Whenever I invite him over, I start feeling a little uneasy because I worry if he's uncomfortable or bored. Sometimes I wonder if he even likes me at all, and it sucks.
I love him lots and wish I could relax easier. Any tips or ideas?
"Y'know, sometimes, a story's just a story. You try to read into every little thing, and find meaning in everything anyone says, you'll just drive yourself crazy. And then not only that, but... you'll likely end up believing something you shouldn't believe, thinking something you shouldn't think, or assuming something you shouldn't assume."
- Mr. Hippo