Memo about email and young people's associations

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17 Jan 2017, 9:16 am

First of all, many people of younger generations often prefer to be messaged through means like social media. But I'm not sure what that is.
I don't understand this practice. Apparently, there are even some who, though they interact on a forum like this might rarely, if ever, email people they don't know personally. I sort of understand this, as email is seen as an electronic version of a posted letter, and back in the snail-mail era, it was unusual to interact with non-celebrities one had never met in person by any means unless one was extremely famous.
But I believe that most people even of older generations have never heard of teletype, the actual forerunner of email. This was often used by radio amateurs, who were just about the only subculture who regularly interacted with people they had never met in person. Some relative of mine has been a licenced radio amateur since before my time.
Can anyone here explain their aversion to emailing, say, other forum members? If you don't have such an aversion, don't know my email address, and want to email me, just message me your email address.


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19 Jan 2017, 5:38 pm

I don't have a fear of emailing with Aspies. I do with NTs but I have to do it a lot and need time to mitigate anxiety about it.

Right now, I'm just too darn busy to handle any emails aside from the professional/academic ones I have to do already. I've been unable to write any emails or write anything (i.e., constantly in meetings or with kids) for the past two whole days, for example.

It's nothing personal at all.

P.S. Socializing of any sort is honestly the last thing on my focus/priority list right now.

Leading a double life and loving it (but exhausted).

Likely ADHD instead of what I've been diagnosed with before.


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19 Jan 2017, 6:18 pm

I feel like it's too personal. It feels like too much of a commitment. Especially on a public forum like this.


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23 Jan 2017, 3:33 am

What do you think is too personal and too much of a commitment?


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02 Feb 2017, 4:06 am

There are good reasons why you should give out your email address to someone if you want an extensive one-on-one conversation with them. One is privacy. But it's hard for me to explain the whole reason. Does anyone else want to add to this?


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02 Feb 2017, 4:27 am

Myrtonos wrote:
Can anyone here explain their aversion to emailing, say, other forum members?

not applicable...... 8)

i think if i went back to my inbox from 2015, 8/10 emails i received were part of a correspondence between me and someone else here.

and 98% of that was just from one person.

email and forum posts like these are my preferred method of communicating with some others, besides speech. allow for a lot more visual creativity than texts, and that i value.

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02 Feb 2017, 6:06 am

I don't fully understand your post. What does "not applicable" mean in this case?


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18 Apr 2020, 11:01 pm

I have had no replies since Febuary. I have messaged my email address to members on another forum, but many have not emailed me.


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26 Apr 2020, 8:42 pm

Myrtonos wrote:
Can anyone here explain their aversion to emailing, say, other forum members? If you don't have such an aversion, don't know my email address, and want to email me, just message me your email address.

Members' email addresses are not visible, so we'd have to ask for them first.

Personally I haven't noticed anyone on here I'm particularly interested in, I've found that trying to forge relationships with random people is irritating and a waste of time, and I'm not desperate for email contact, so I have no reason to email anyone. PM is enough for occasional messages.


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28 Apr 2020, 9:10 am

I am neurotypical. I will and do directly message and/or email people from this forum, and rarely people from my neurological disability forum. I only keep talking to the people from the other forum because we all have a rare disease and it’s hard to find people who have what we have.

I have refused to maintain online communications with other NT people for many years. I feel that those people are using a lazy communication method to pretend to maintain relationships while not truly interacting. There is so much politeness and face saving going on with NTs that electronic communication with them is near worthless.

I do not feel this is the same for autistic people. It is sometimes the only way to talk to some autistic people, for various reasons.


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02 May 2020, 3:38 pm

Millennials don't like email. It's too time consuming to have to log into email and read the message. Text is much preferred.

And don't even think about contacting them by phone!

A problem with electronic communication is that without physical pieces of paper for our letters, I despair of there being a record some decades hence. I still have old letters to and from family members that are 100 to 200 years old. They convey an antiquity and gracefulness that an email seldom does.

A finger in every pie.