Being abandoned
I made a friend through volunteering at greenpeace. I knew her for about two years by 2016. By around that time, the election was starting to take hold and things were getting hectic.
Me and my friend remained friends until 2016 when they decided to break off their friendship with me for absolutely no reason whatsoever. They unfriended me on Facebook and blocked me on messenger the moment I came out trans to them.
I figured that maybe I said it the wrong way or maybe because my messenger was hacked A few weeks earlier.
So I messaged them on Instagram and they never responded to me.
After some time another friend abandoned me and after some drama in a group I was in banned me after someone spread false rumors behind my back and I got banned from more groups for trying to clear my name under the guise of standing up for oneself in the groups was seen as unacceptable.
Being kicked from the group and losing several friends that day put me in a really dark spot and I suddenly remembered how all my friends who abandoned me recently, and I felt rage boil, and that one friend in particular I felt betrayed the most was the one who abandoned me back in late 2016 when I told them I was trans.
They never responded to any of my messages on Instagram at all including the ones where I asked why they blocked me. They knew I had autism and that I lived in a very toxic situation.
I had just snapped as I was tried of her complete disregard to my existence and
I said some very hurtful things to them, but I figured they weren’t going to see what I wrote but I was wrong, and they did see it and they weren’t pleased lol, and they blocked me on Instagram as did the Instagram acct of the band they performed in.
I couldn’t believe how crazy everyone got just because of me calling someone out for their betrayal.
You now see the character of their ways. Think about this. A true friend, if they heard from you that you were gay and were attracted to them, they would just say "Sorry, I am not gay myself" but they would still be friends as they would value your friendship regardless because they are your friend.
I'm very sorry to hear this.
Yes, it can be extremely distressing to be suddenly dropped by a supposed friend. This happened to me on a number of occasions when I was younger.
I hope you'll be able to make some better friends within the autistic community here in NYC, should you choose to participate in said community. (I'll be sending you some PM's about this in the not-too-distant future.)
I hope our local autistic support and social groups can avoid anti-trans bigotry.
Also, I hope our groups can avoid cowardly backstabbing of the kind you described. That's why it's so important for us all to learn how to be assertive (without being aggressive), and to learn the art of both giving and receiving constructive criticism. (See Autistic-friendly social skills vs. blending in with NT's.)
- Autistic in NYC - Resources and new ideas for the autistic adult community in the New York City metro area.
- Autistic peer-led groups (via text-based chat, currently) led or facilitated by members of the Autistic Peer Leadership Group.
In addition to being autistic I also have borderline personality disorder which is why the whole thing of abandonment and rejection is so sensitive to me. Almost every job I’ve ever applied for rejecting me and the thing is I expect the rejection and so to prevent the rejection I was extra cautious on the interviews and to prove to myself and to my job coach that I was discriminated against I secretly recorded interviews, In addition to being autistic I also have borderline personality disorder which is why the whole thing of abandonment and rejection is so sensitive to me. Almost every job I’ve ever applied for rejected me and the thing is I expect the rejection insult to prevent the rejection I was extra cautious on the interviews and to prove to myself and to my job coach that I was discriminated against I secretly recorded the interviewsAnd the job coach who watch the interviews after I showed it to her was shocked that I was not accepted but I expected the rejection every time and got it every time. And the job coach who watch the interviews after I showed it to her was shocked that I was not accepted but I expected the rejection every time and got it every time And that only reinforce my catastrophic way of thinking.
[I've edited the quote above to remove redundancies -- perhaps you made an error when copying and pasting?]
What kinds of jobs have you been seeking?
Anyhow, should you choose to participate in any of the hopefully forthcoming NYC-based groups I hope to help build (or the discussion group you've already participated in occasionally), I welcome any advice you can give us on ways that a group can avoid (or at least minimize) triggering your fear of rejection.
- Autistic in NYC - Resources and new ideas for the autistic adult community in the New York City metro area.
- Autistic peer-led groups (via text-based chat, currently) led or facilitated by members of the Autistic Peer Leadership Group.
Joined: 30 Jul 2013
Age: 37
Gender: Male
Posts: 11,105
Location: Adelaide, Australia
The days are long, but the years are short
Yep. The interesting question is how to build a group that does not work like that and, instead, is prepared to resolve conflicts within the group, at least with members who are acting in good faith. This requires the group to train itself in conflict resolution techniques.
- Autistic in NYC - Resources and new ideas for the autistic adult community in the New York City metro area.
- Autistic peer-led groups (via text-based chat, currently) led or facilitated by members of the Autistic Peer Leadership Group.
Climategeek, it sounds like these people were not your friends in the first place. It doesn't sound like you did anything wrong, rather, there is something wrong with them. People have become so mean and inconsiderate of each other anymore it's not funny. As for you saying not nice things to them, that's your way of standing up for yourself. I have done that myself, many times. That means you aren't going to take crap from fake friends.