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Emu Egg
Emu Egg

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23 Jul 2007, 2:34 pm

Hi I'm Eric and am new here.

I have PDD-NOS and CFS(Chronic Fatigue Syndrome).

I finally got Day and Residential Services for my disability little over a month now. I have problems getting along with clients and staff. I'm used to my own routine and space and doing things my way. They say i'm self-centered and negative and don't like discipline. What do i do?

It feels like my whole routine is up in the air when i go to day services. i don't always get to ride with the same staff and go places at the expected time. when i plan for them to take me somewhere like the salvation army, like in the morning, they always have a change of plans and then someone else takes me there in the late afternoon after everything is picked over. I'm used to doing my own driving in my vehicle but the gas is expensive. i get rides from my services so i won't have to buy gas. I also have CFS so i get tired spells a lot and hypoglycemia also causes mood changes when my blood sugar drops and i get hungry, irritable, weak, and moody. They don't like it when i have to lay on the couch to rest. Everyones mad at me.

The other clients don't like me well and i get into arguments and outbursts with the staff and clients easily. I also have to take Lexapro for my aniexties and Tegretal for my moods.

And when they plan activities its always what everyone else wants. since i'm a minority with special interests they won't plan a train watching activity since no one else likes trains and such. No one else there likes the things i like. the other clients like to sit and watch boring soap operas all day and talk shows rather than documentries or something worthwhile. i can't play music if they watch TV all afternoon. then when i do they don't like what i like so i have to turn it down.

I'm frustrated. does anyone on here besides me have problems with day services? Day services and residential are for people with disablities BTW.

Eric Burris

Last edited by eccentric-eric on 24 Jul 2007, 12:18 am, edited 1 time in total.


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23 Jul 2007, 4:09 pm

welcome to WP Eric
It is great that you are clinging on to your own decisions and attitudes and not become passive and institutionalised like the 'well-behaved and docile' clients.
The staff will not like you for being more work that the minimum and the other clients won't like you for 'rocking the boat'.
I used to work in residential homes and could see that otherwise intelligent people decline when they come in and end up just sitting staring at the TV, I used to hate it and wished for someone to do something, the other staff liked to chat and not worry about the residents so the quieter they were the better.
is there a different group you could ask to join that is more active?

Any implied social connection is an artifact of the distance between my computer and yours.

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23 Jul 2007, 6:07 pm

eccentric-eric wrote:
Hi I'm Eric and am new here.

Welcome, and good morrow, Eric; glad you're here. Please, pull up a chair and hang out with us weirdos for a while. :wink:

eccentric-eric wrote:
They say i'm self-centered and negative and don't like discipline. What do i do?

I'm bad; you shouldn't listen to me. But, if it were me, my instinct here would be to ask them politely stop babbling to me about their problems, and stop being jackasses about it to boot. :twisted: Or, to affirm what alexbeetle said, don't let them tame you; maybe it's just a matter of who blinks first.

I'm not all to familiar with the services you use; I wish I had some more useful advice. :? I might stay away from the other clients, unless I happened to like any of them, and they liked me [unlikely]; fewer aggravations that way? You apparently have access to a computer; why not spend some time here? Lots of interesting folks hereabouts, some in boats not entirely unlike yours.

I wish you the best in your struggles; eccentrics über alles!

Good fortune,

- Icarus

Please forgive me if, in the heat of battle, I sometimes forget which side I'm on.

Emu Egg
Emu Egg

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23 Jul 2007, 7:22 pm

I should say, my interests are trains, photography, bicycling, computers of course, radio communications - scanners and amateur radio.

Oh and they don't like it when i have one of my radios on or remotely loud as it might disturbed the other clients. what about the soap operas disturbing me? Then the staff says go in the "other" room if i want to listen to my radio or music. Yeah so they get the couches and i get the office chairs!! !! :roll:

Basically i have to be in the other room to do what i like to do. Yet they want me to socialize. those people don't like to talk to me and they aren't interested in anything but simple things and they are lower functioning then me. they wouldn't have a clue on the things i talk about. it sucks to be smart sometimes. :roll:

Eric amatuer callsign: kc0ldt

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24 Jul 2007, 1:23 pm

eccentric-eric wrote:
Oh and they don't like it when i have one of my radios on or remotely loud as it might disturbed the other clients. what about the soap operas disturbing me? Then the staff says go in the "other" room if i want to listen to my radio or music. Yeah so they get the couches and i get the office chairs!! !! :roll:

Once again, don't listen to me; I'm bad. But... I'd be tempted to simply grab a couch and drag it into the other room... MY room. All humans, GET OUT! If i was in a feisty enough mood, I might even do that if that couch had someone on it at the time.

eccentric-eric wrote:
they wouldn't have a clue on the things i talk about. it sucks to be smart sometimes.

Ever seen Real Genius? The science is a bit thin in places, but it's basically a tale of folks who are "too smart for their own good". [Whatever that means.] But, one of the themes explored in the movie is, when you're smart, people need you. :wink: I doesn't always necessarily work out like that in real life... But it's an encouraging thought, perhaps.

Good fortune,

- Icarus

Please forgive me if, in the heat of battle, I sometimes forget which side I'm on.