Going on vacation alone, and doing things alone?

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Snowy Owl
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04 Jun 2007, 1:22 pm

I've decided that I probably need a holiday (vacation). The problem is that there's no-one who would want to go with me, and no-one that I would want to go with. I'm a bit sick of my current surroundings and I've never been outside England before, and now I want to see more of the world.

So yeah, I want to go on holiday by myself - without the embarrasment of being surrounded by couples or people thinking that I'm a wierd loner, or some dangerous criminal. What kind of holiday would I like to go on? I don't know, I'm 25 but I'm fairly mature. Perhaps another country with nice scenery and a place to relax, with stuff to do on my own?

Does anyone have any recommendations for sad gits like me? Has anyone ever taken a holiday alone? Should I just not bother?

On a slightly different subject... Is it socially acceptable for a 25 year old male to go to the cinema alone? This one has been bugging me. I think I'd feel awkard asking for "ticket for one to see Pirates of the Carribbean". Is this the same as wearing T-shirt that says "sad pathetic loner"?

I play computer games, a lot. They're entertaining, a form of media just like TV or books, but I can socialize with the online games. Now I want to do something more real, by myself.

Any thoughts welcome.

To all of my friends:

Wait, never mind.


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04 Jun 2007, 1:57 pm

Tolian wrote:
Does anyone have any recommendations for sad gits like me? Has anyone ever taken a holiday alone?

Cycling in Scotland, staying in youth hostels and B&Bs. The Cyclists Touring Club or Spokes (http://www.spokes.org.uk/) should have information on good routes. Or ride the Sustrans national bikepath network. Or read the book "The Unlikely Voyage of Jack de Crow" for inspiration and get yourself a small boat. Or hire a small canal narrow boat. Rent a cottage in the highlands, taking a good midge net with you, an Ordnance Survey map of the area, and all the books you have been meaning to read. There are lots of options.

Tolian wrote:
Is it socially acceptable for a 25 year old male to go to the cinema alone?

I was about to say "of course", but I don't actually know. When I want to see a film, I just go, and usually alone. I know a guy who is a bit of a film buff, and though he is very social, he doesn't know anyone who is quite so keen on the cinema, so I think he often goes alone as well. Alternatively, paint one of your walls white, buy a projector, borrow the DVD and watch at home. You only need the cinema if you are after the social experience of seeing things in a crowd or discussing the latest film with your friends and colleagues.

Tolian wrote:
Is this the same as wearing T-shirt that says "sad pathetic loner"?

No, it's regularly going with your mother which is equivalent, at least if your mother is bossy. If your mother and you make each other laugh, then even taking her to the cinema regularly doesn't say sad pathetic loner. Besides, that label is usually used by people who are sad pathetic social junkies, so it is better not to care about their opinions.



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04 Jun 2007, 1:59 pm

Tolian wrote:
Is it socially acceptable for a 25 year old male to go to the cinema alone? This one has been bugging me. I think I'd feel awkard asking for "ticket for one to see Pirates of the Carribbean". Is this the same as wearing T-shirt that says "sad pathetic loner"?
Are you kidding? I am a fanatic moviegoer and I have seen some 5000 films all alone without having to worry about looking weird.


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04 Jun 2007, 2:07 pm

I wouldn't worry about what other people think - the people you see on holidya are people you will almost certainly never see again in your life. I recently went on a short trip alone to Paris (I was partly doing someone a favour, partly it was just going on holiday) and enjoyed most of it (except for the racial abuse, but that's another matter). Look at the advantages: you don't have to compromise with anyone about what you do/where you go, etc. I would just make sure it was a place I really wanted to go to, keep myself busy doing things I enjoy, and it should work out fine. if you go to a big city, chances are everybody will ignore you anyway, so it doesn't matter if you're alone. people travel alone for all sorts of reasons, so a single traveler is less conspicuous than you might think.

I am the steppenwolf that never learned to dance. (Sedaka)

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04 Jun 2007, 2:20 pm

Going on vacation alone would be awesome!

Don't worry about what other people will think, just enjoy yourself.


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04 Jun 2007, 2:23 pm

Is it socially acceptable for a 25 year old male to go to the cinema alone?

I suspect some might say not but I have never let that stop me if a good film is doing the curcuit I'd go and see it whats more I would enjoy it!

As for Holiday I'd recomend Hiking, Cycling or Pony trecking can all be good fun and you can control how much socalising you do.


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04 Jun 2007, 2:41 pm

I'd say definitely go on holiday on your own, I'm going to Japan on my own in a month (actually exactly a month today :D ). It's so much easier going on holiday on your own - I went on a school organised holiday in a big group (20 people) last year and it was hell, the amount of time it took to make desisions alone drove me insane. I'd say don't worry about how you look to other people and enjoy yourself - if you look like your having a good time people will think it less wierd that your alone, e.g. they'll think 'he's cycling alone because he really loves cycling' not 'he's cylcing alone because he has no friends to go with him'.

The lonely planet website is a good place to start looking for holiday ideas, just pick a county and go from there.


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04 Jun 2007, 2:48 pm

My aunt had never gone out of England either and right now she's on holiday in Switzerland with my cousin. I see no problem with taking a holiday by yourself, in fact I envy you for being able to do so. I'm only seventeen and have only been able to go on holiday with my family. My mum says I ruined one of our holidays because I refused to leave the hotel room. I don't see any problem with going to the cinema on your own either. The reason you go to the cinema can be to actually see a movie, not just try to get your arm around someone's shoulder. I think if you have a great time on holiday even though you are alone, it shows that you are confident enough to be able to have a good time on your own and you don't need to spend all your time with someone else. Besides, I never knew that it supposedly wasn't appropriate to go to the cinema or on holiday alone. I see people do it all the time.


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04 Jun 2007, 3:37 pm

I have always done practically all my things alone: going on holidays, eating, going on surgery (eleven times, twice not in my home country), buying my clothes (this is the most difficult). I have never felt embarassed for this. Generally there is also a general trend to look sympathetically on loners, at least if you are yourself polite and kind, which you can do at little expence. Nurses in hospital are often kind with you if you are alone. The only places where you are looked with some suspicion are hotels, at least if you don't look like a businessman.

You may also have some laugh looking Jacques Tati's film "Le vacances de mr. Hulot", the hilarious story of a lonely "vacancier" (easily available in DVD).


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04 Jun 2007, 3:48 pm

I have gone to movies alone and felt awkward. But, I know some NT people who are married, that don't share the same tastes in movies as their spouses, and they are always telling about going to movies alone (not with each other or friends -- alone) and they make no apologies. For me, I am so used to analyzing if I'm doing something "the normal way" I think I over analyze situations.

I'm about to make a trip across country 1900+ miles by myself. Maybe I can relate to the truck drivers out there. They travel alone, often, and it's not weird.


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05 Jun 2007, 3:53 am

As a single person alone you can go anywhere you want. No one to pry you away from your travel destinations. No one telling you to hurry up or slow down. No one who says "No, i don't want to eat there.". You are in charge. You could start easy by choosing a country that speaks the same language that you speak ( or a similar dialect, even). This might make it easier to get around and stuff without having to find an English speaking person in a big foreign land. Maybe the USA or Australia or Canada? They have many museums, cities, aquariums and hostorical places--- and you don't need other people to do these things. I live in the USA, and seeing people alone is common as seeing groups or couples. It shouldn't be an issue at all.
Also, I don't see anything wrong with going to a theater alone. If I want to see a movie I can't depend on waiting for someone else to see it, too. I'll go it alone and get all the popcorn to myself. Yippee.
Good luck--- everyone needs a holiday.


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05 Jun 2007, 4:32 am

A vacation alone?
One could just hop
the nearest train, and
tramp about for a while.

It's a great way to discover
oneself. Just have enough money
available to make your way back to
your old life, or the lure of the road
will trap you.

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05 Jun 2007, 9:21 am

When my older sister was married to a police officer, she learned to do all of those things alone (especially going to movies).

People are probably too busy even to wonder what you're up to. But the real key is not caring, even if they do.


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05 Jun 2007, 11:23 am

gwenevyn wrote:
People are probably too busy even to wonder what you're up to. But the real key is not caring, even if they do.

I agree completely.

I am the steppenwolf that never learned to dance. (Sedaka)

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05 Jun 2007, 1:58 pm

Tolian wrote:
Has anyone ever taken a holiday alone? Should I just not bother?

If you want to do something like that, then go for it.

I'm going to go to Chicago for a week in August, which will be my first ever solitary trip abroad. It's all paid for and sorted out, so I'm all set and am now counting down the days between now and then. Could be awesome, I think...

Why so serious?


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05 Jun 2007, 3:36 pm

My best vacation ever is when I decided to drive from Illinois to Florida last summer by myself.
The thrill of a whole week completely under your control to go where you want and stop where you want is awesome.
I ended up visiting the Florida Aquarium, seeing the ocean for the first time, taking a tour boat to see the dolphins. Then on the way back I stopped in Kentucky and went actual caving in the Mammoth Cave. I just wish the camera hadn't malfunctioned the whole trip. :roll:

I played it safe though. When traveling alone it is wise to have scheduled call ins and let someone know where you are going to be and when you expect to get to the next place. Just in case something should happen to you.