sure. Forming and maintaining long term relationships is a know deficit of people who have ASD.
The funny thing is, i used to go to a drop in support service for people with ASD.
where every week the same people used to frequent who also had the same problems.
One or two considered that they had no friends apart from family.
It was strange to me, as the people who turned up every week, week in week out,
i automatically considered friends.
But some of them, basically disregarded all their friends from the drop in centre to amount to
"i have no friends".
I have experimented trying to communicate with a couple of them, and one of them is in fairly
regular email contact with me, and we some times meet up.
Another one, who i also regard as a friend, occasionally contacts me at random intervals and says hello
or some thing else, usually completely off subject, which i usually reply to trying to keep the subject going.
But i do find it extremely hard to keep conversation with the second guy, who really is even more off subject
than I am.
There are others who frequent the drop in service who are as equally isolated who I would be more than happy
to be friends with, including a young attractive woman, but alas, her anxiety, hypersensitivity problems and social phobia prevents her from forming such friendships, perhaps especially with the members of the opposite sex.
I mean, I am sensitive to an extent but also suffer from anxiety etc.
so hard to really gauge what to do when someone is uncomfortable with communicating while at the same time
desperate to make contact.
what can you do?
So making friends, while not being a completely no hoper is a little bit more unpredictable when it comes to Aspies,
and some times not due to any significant problem, in some cases, it really can be "its me not you"...
but what can you do!?