kraftiekortie wrote:
Why would you WANT to troll?
Why would you WANT to be a stupid a***hole?
It's a waste of my time and resources, frankly. I've got better things to do with my time.
Aspies have high empathy despite the stereotypes.
We know what it's like to be bullied.
So we don't do it to other people.
Some aspies do but less than NTs do.
NTs do it in order to enforce a social 'norm'. They think that somehow that is ok.
I was watching TV today & there was a stupid show where people called in with words they couldn't say & the hosts made fun of them. It wasn't funny to me. It was like bullying except the people called in voluntarily. Maybe they were pretending & teasing people who couldn't say it. I think if autistic people were the majority, shows like that wouldn't hold much interest to the general population.
Not actually a girl