You know... The neighbors
You neighbors, the ones who live next to you or above, below, or across from you. What do they think of you? What things of significance have happened with your neighbors?
I live in the country, but have neigbhors to my north and south. My neigbhors to the south were never too fond of me and my strange play habits I had outside, which often resulted in various objects being hurled into their yard by accident to be eventually run over by their lawn mower. I never retrieved them or approached them about it becasue they always yelled at me. On a few ocassions they even called the police on me.
My neigbhors to the north were more or less accepting of my quirky behavior. One of them would be outside and they would be like "Yep... there's Scott being Scott", although they had to keep me away from their burning barrel becasue I had a fascination with watching their garbage burn.
I live my life to prove wrong those who said I couldn't make it in life...
I don't even know who my neighbours are, and I like to keep it that way. Even when I've lived with roommates, I just keep out of their way. I don't talk about myself, and they don't ask, so we never get to know each other on a more than cursory basis.
No idea what they think of me, but most likely, that I'm weird, and antisocial, and quiet. Then we inevitably get into a fight over something, and they get a little scared of me.

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Our neighbors are friendly. The lady who lives across from us actually has a husband who is in Iraq right now. We have had some very interesting discussions with her. She seems to like us a lot.
Sounds like the neighbors from hell. I can't believe they call law enforcement over trifling stuff like things getting in the yard. It would be interesting to see how they'd cope with living in the inner city with some real problems like say, folks hanging out on street corners, gangs, drug dealers, cars driving by with loud music......and gun fire.
Bet they'd quit b**ching about balls in their yard.

Just wear sunglasses and a wig when you stand outside their windows watching them, they'll never recognise you!
My neighbours are ok, could be worse, I bought in an ex-public housing suburb, so on one side they keep popping over to borrow stuff which they never return or use the phone (I had to put a stop to that), but they're very very quiet people. On the other side they keep chooks ugh, and I had to get rid of their roosters via the council. Still they're not drug dealer revheads who swear all the time and play loud disco music. It's not middle class around here, the suburb has a really bad reputation actually but it's really very quiet and the bad reputation thing belongs in the past. I guess that's what made it a cheap place to buy in. I'm thinking of moving because the bloody council, in their stupidity, have installed a mostrous play area in the park (I live opposite a park) and now I have to listen to screaming kiddie noise a lot. It's also a gaudy eyesore. It's been great in many ways living here because it's the first time I've ever owned property.
Last edited by Postperson on 30 Jun 2005, 9:10 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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I have quite a few teenagers in my neighborhood but I don't talk to any of them except for one who waves to me all the time. he's just a friendly guy in general. the first week i moved into my house he invited me to watch movies with the other kids in the 'hood (heh) but never talked to em after that. nice people even though we didnt keep in touch. heh its so suburbanite.. the fathers borrow each others tools... i petsit the neighbor's fish when they go on vacation..
I don't know my neighbors, except the old couple who lives directly next door (we live in town, house next to house, very small yards). Nobody likes Mr&Mrs.S except us. They're really very nice, IMO. They're old, and don't bother us, and we don't bother them. My husband cuts their grass for free (the old man has heart problems), I send over little cakes, etc. when I bake. The old lady talks to me across the fence sometimes in the summer, but she's never nosey about our personal business or nasty to our kids.
I don't talk to anybody else on our block. People move in and out too often. Even the people who have been here as long as we have (10 years) are still only "acquaintances" to me. I say Hello to the long-term neighbors when I can't avoid it, but I ignore the newbies in the neighborhood. Most of them are bad news anyway - obnoxious, dirty, rude. Even the kids. It's really changed around here in the 10 years since we moved in. We're fixing up a few age-worn things around the house (it was built c. 1920) and hoping to move far away by next year this time. Somewhere out of town, out of state, with no neighbors for a couple of acres on every side.
Most of my neighbours are good but I'm not all that close to them. I'm on a hello basis with the people at no 3 in my street and also no 1.
The people across the road have this kid who screams when he doesn't get his own way and when it gets too much I sometimes yell "be quiet!" from my front yard. He seems to be very spoilt and sooky. His little sister doesn't carry on like that.
Break out you Western girls,
Someday soon you're gonna rule the world.
Break out you Western girls,
Hold your heads up high.
"Western Girls" - Dragon

Joined: 10 Sep 2004
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Most of nirrti's description applies to my neighbourhood - though gunfire is rare in this part of town. My neighbours are, erm, interesting... mostly friendly, one or two miserable buggers. The ones who are dodgy tend to be more fun (at least when the police aren't sorting them out, lol) - unfortunately this doesn't make for a quiet life. Case in point - my neighbour's 10 year old son put our window through on Monday night after his mam took his new trainers off him for swearing at us... then tried to stab Mel with a carving knife. Peace has been restored for now fortunately...
I'm usually smarter than this. <<my thingy
And other things too. They just thought I was freaky, but they could be a pain in the ass.
How about...
Them going outside and holding target practice at 2am which wakes me up.
When I was five they came outside one after noon and started to do target practice while I was playing in my sandbox a mere 30 feet away. The first shotgun blast sent me screaming into my house.
Their dogs would wander into our yard and do their business. They had some kind of terrier dog that use to chase me when I would ride my trike in our driveway and bark at me and scare the crap out of me.
Their cats would use our backyard as a hunting ground. I would go outside to play and find dead birds and rabbits in the yard.
Every 4th of july they would shoot off bottle rockets which would land smoldering in our yard.
Summer of 2001, their teenage daughter would turn the house into party central. As a result, their would be 50 people there each night with just as many cars. They were all loud and obnoxious and often kept our dogs up and barking until 2am.
My dad bought an expensive rotary tiller that was self propelled. The chain that drove the tines broke one afternoon in 1986, and my dad sold the tine unit for scrap and in 1990, he sold the engine to an uncle who needed it. I was left with the wheels and handle bars. There was a large pulley that once had a belt on it for the drive unit, and when I would push this thing, this pulley would spin. Since I was a sucker for things that spun, I would push this thing up and down our backyard as fast as I could to make this pulley spin. This was my obsession for summer of 1990 and the neigbhors didn't like my strange passion one bit. I was doing this one night and the lady who lived there was staring at me giving me a long hard look.
Around that same time, I was outside doing this when I realized I had to answer the call of nature. My dad had given me a warning about doing such things outside as I had done so before once in public to his embarasment, but I didn't see the point to it, so I opened up fly and let it go. Well, the lady was watching me again outside and this time she called the cops on me.
Another time she thought I was shooting birds in her yard, I was breaking branches in my yard that had falled off the trees and she looked out a window and supposedly saw me through an alternating board fence holding a gun and aiming it at birds in her yard. That resulted in me being paid a second visit by the cops.
Another time I found a set of lawn darts in our garage. I took great joy in launching them into the air, seeing how high or far I could fling them. One of my throws was a little off and it flew into their yard, punching a hole into the roof of their garden shed.
They didn't care for me too much.
I live my life to prove wrong those who said I couldn't make it in life...
When I was little, had an old lady who lived next to us. She was awful, she's yell and swear at me and my siblings for things like making too much noise, being "on her property" etc, etc. This happened from when I was 6.
Now we live in a "neighborhood"(before we lived in the country) Our neighbors on one side, the Heard's, are awful. They hate us because we don't keep our yard/garden up to their standards(heaven forbid we let our lawn go for two days more than usual, or forget to water the flowers ) They will actually come outside and yell at us if they get a chance. Oh, and they have a dog that barks almost constantly(he lives outside and they hardly pay him any attention) and they complain about *our* dog's occasional barking. They have two daughters who are all-around nasty. They gossip and spread rumors. I could go on, but I won't.
The rest of out neighbors here are great. The people on the other side of us have a band that practices....very loudly....and very late. That doesn't annoy me much...What annoys me is my Mom complaining about it all the time
I get along good with most of my neighbors. The end of the street I live on is mostly inhabited by rednecks (there are two white trash families, but that's another story altogether ). It's more of a ghetto area than a redneck area, but somehow they all found their way from all over the country into the same neighborhood. If this one guy ever does catch a possum, I'm not sure I'll try his possum stew (no joke!). I find them easy to get along with due to their unsophisticated standards of social conduct. When a couple of them moved in, they had trouble understanding the concept that you can't shoot guns in a residential area. Their public intoxication has gone from originally being a minor concern to a form of entertainment as well. Sometimes my friend and I have to keep an eye on some of the things they do, like if they plan to light dinamyte in the midde of the street or spot when they are too drunk to ride a diet bike. Overall they are a fun group though things can get even more interesting (sometimes for the better, smetimes for the worst) when they invite their friends over for a party.