SeaBright wrote:
Who said they wasn't?
Besides, it'd bug who are....different from NT.
Besides, you asked for ideas. So you can......decide they won't work in advance of trying it? Or risk the result and try it.
At least you can say, 'you tried'.
To which I ask, not really caring and leaving this thread completely because I am all out of ideas-having given you my best one:
Has approaching your NT 'person in question' the way you would like to be approached helped you or them in any way?
No, or you wouldn't be asking the community for 'ideas'.
You are quite rude. Hell, Ill be honest, you are a Jack@$$.
Ok. If one of my NT friends needs help, I typically (Depending if they need emotional help or physical help or that other type of help I do not understand.
(Before I start, Most of my NT friends are females, and I am a male BTW)
If they are emotionally distraught I typically (usually going out of my way to do so) do something for them that they consider "Sweet, Considerate, or Friendlike" E.G(these are the simpler ones) Bring them their favorite candy from a vending machine and sit and listen to what is going on and offer them the best help you can.
If they are physically in danger, being 6,4 and 265 pounds I typically put a stop to it.
If it is that other type of help they need, then I get help from a NT.