Miyah wrote:
So I ended up snapping and calling her and yelling. I told her that she had an attitude towards anyone with Asperger's Syndome. And that she had hurt me because she wasn't interested in hanging out before she left. And I told her that some of our greatest composers and science people had it, such as Albert Einstien. And it slipped out that I thought that he was smarter than her. And I by accidently called her the B word.
When it comes to NT's. It's harder to make friends with them, and most people with other high-function disabilities don't seem to understand me, and I get rejected. And I feel like this girl didn't like me anymore because she didn't understand us.
You did the right thing by telling her off.
You have to let out your fury.
f**k that stupid b***h.
Use the b word. Use it.
Swear, scream, don't hold back.
I commend and applaud you for what you did. If I were in your position, and the friend was a guy, I would have beaten that guy senseless, because I don't stand for stupidity like that, and neither shoudl you.