SykoTaxman wrote:
I have AS and do have some difficulty carrying conversation and fitting in with my peers. However I would say that I have developed control over most of my obvious signs of Autism to the point that very few have ever figured out I have AS until I have told them. The issue with making it open to everyone about my AS (whether I tell them or not as word gets around) is that while my friends are accepting and used to my disorder, others I think seem to look at me differently. While I do understand why they would be like this since many aren't properly educated on AS, I don't appreciate feeling that others may see me as ret*d or sub-human. I like to be one of those people who are very open about themselves but should AS be something that I should keep between my family, close friends, and I?
While I'm not aware of any studies, posts from WrongPlanet seem to indicate that disclosure is seldom met with acceptance, and often outright hostility.
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