why i do not like most precious lil "people":
they talk too much. they act like every thought and emotion that goes through their heads, are the latest greatest scientific invention. then when noise pollution comes out of my beak, they half listen and have the nerve to grunt "huh" and "what", like they are the etiquette equivalent of "excuse me".
some of them act all "buddy buddy", but then the second they (correctly or wrongly) think i did something bad or wrong, they act like "dr jekyll and mister hyde". their expectations were that i was perfect, to their standards. they made plenty of wrong assumptions about me. some assumptions are natural, involuntary, or subconscious, but some precious lil "people" seem to purposely go out of their own ways, to make assumptions. they act like they have a moral "right" to be happy @ all times, and any time they are not happy, that's proof that someone violated their stupidass "rights". but nobody has a "right" to be happy. "you have a right to remain silent."
some of them act like they "care" about a lot of precious lil "people", but everyone they care about has the same Myers Briggs Type as them, and they care about them, vice versa. (moral illusion).
they are judgmental. they judge things they do not know enough about, especially other people that have different personality types than them. compliments are just positive judgments. positive judgments are just as judgmental as negative judgments.
they don't let you disagree with them.
they get away with doing things that i don't get away with.
"Chino", "Which Asian are you?", they say, like they are doing me a personal favor.
off leash dogs
they accuse me of doing things i didn't do.
they don't care about anything besides $$$.
"Can you" makes it sound like just b/c you "can", you have to.
they gossip with their annoying lil cronies
mispronounce my name
they act like wild animals
they speak ambiguously, and with slang.
the above, description of about 90 percent of my coworkers at home depot.