Kaiser communication (inherent to the system)

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Joined: 4 Mar 2017
Age: 40
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12 Sep 2024, 6:26 pm

Today, went to the Kaiser pharmacy. The portal said that two of the prescriptions that I requested a refill for, "cancelled". The email said that one prescription, ready for pickup. The cashier told me that two prescriptions were ready for pickup. I said that the portal said that two prescriptions got cancelled. One of them, testosterone. Cashier asked "what was the other prescription?". At that point, I panicked, b/c I (should have but failed to) logged into the portal *before* getting in line and not after. (In my defense, I did not login, b/c I thought the cashier had the same access to the portal as I did, which was wrong. Also, not everyone has an iphone. Besides, no matter what the portal said, if the pharmacy did not have the prescription ready for pickup, I would not be able to pickup the retardedass prescription anyways.) So then I frantically tried to turn on the stupidass phone, then I had to login and try to lookup where it said "two prescriptions cancelled". I logged in fine, but I could not find the part where it said that "two prescriptions cancelled". The cashier brought another woman, I told the woman that the portal said that the testosterone would be ready for refill after 9/6, and I requested a refill on 9/7. (I followed the directions.) The woman told me something that I could not really understand due to a thick accent, but she didn't do anything wrong, and she said "thank you" and "sorry". (But it's not her fault. The entire Kaiser has bad communication. The computer programmer programmed the computer in such a way, that made it say that the prescription (testosterone) was ready for refill, but then the woman told me that it was an "early refill", so I would only get three vials (instead of seven vials)). I think the computer programmer should've programmed the computer to make it say that the prescription was ready for refill, as soon as it was not an "early refill". That's confusing as hell. However, that is just my opinion. I am not a computer programmer, a professional actor, or anything like that. My worthless corpse is just a slobbering idiot. s**t! (After I got to the library, I logged into Kaiser and it said that two prescriptions ready for pickup (needles and syringes, which I got today for $22.51. And I only earn $21 hour, s**t.). And the pharmacist requested a refill of the testosterone. The pharmacist told me that I have to wait until two weeks before the testosterone runs out, before requesting a refill.

s**t, I can't communicate the slightest thing. Plenty of people do not speak English and many of them are on prescriptions. How do they get their prescriptions? Some of them earn enough $$$ for cars and children. How do they do it? How do undocumented immigrants get government subsidized medical insurance or government benefits? Undocumented immigrants are not even eligible to work in the united states. How do they earn $$$$?

From now on, before getting in line @ for a pharmacy or a Kaiser appointment, I will turn the phone on (and not on "vibrate") and logged into Kaiser. Even better, I will have printed the relevant documents a priori. s**t. Going to the f*****g pharmacy should not be so f*****g stressful, s**t.

Kaiser should have computers for patients to login to, so they can show the pharmacist something. Otherwise, the computers the cashier use, should be visible to the patients. The entire Pharmacy process is royally f****d up (inherent to the system). And, yes, I should've loggedin before getting in line, but not everyone even has a phone (nor should I be required to have a phone, socioeconomic discrimination), so what the flying f**k ever, s**t.