I can definitely be a bad friend at times and I do wonder why people even put up with me. Mainly due to my stubbornness. I don’t always take on useful advice, or I take it on board much later on. Sometimes I can be overly dramatic and lash out because I feel hurt even though I know the tough love is well meaning. I've made more of an effort lately to step back and say "Hey, I know you mean well but I don't think I'm ready for this conversation just yet".
I can be a fairly social person with the right crowd. Although I'll need a fair amount of downtime afterwards. If I feel really comfortable, I may even end up becoming rather hyper and talking fast and / or practically bouncing off the walls. I know I can come across as rather stoic and low-energy but I also have a hyperactive side that can be a bit much. I usually keep that side in check so I don't scare people off.
For some reason, I usually end up being the therapist friend despite being an absolute hot mess of a human being. Sometimes I do say "Hey, I think I'm the worst person for advice on this, have you tried someone else?" or "I have no solutions, I can offer suggestions to take your mind off things but I can't solve the problem itself, sorry, feel free to talk at me though if it helps".
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25. Near the spectrum but not on it.