Alternative wrote:
Krex, I've let them know before, but they just ignore this fact, and try and cheer me up by asking me to go out.
They don't understand, that I'm medically depressed, and they think I'm just going through adolescence and "having a bad day".
Heh, well... im 25 and have plenty of social experience, so ive been where you are. I must say that its not a good idea to tell your buddies u r depressed, it will show them that you may not be stable. NT's like stable guys they can chill with. Not ones that appear to be mental. (i dont wanna offend anybody who is experiencing depression, but seriously, would u tell anybody and think that itll help ya socally).
I think its healthy to sometimes say no to socilization, but you must also sometimes say yes, even when u dont want to. NT's see the world far different then us, to them socalizing will solve their problems, where as for us we need alone time and socializing only makes the problem worse.
If you are having a hard time, be truthful (dont say u r depressed, but say you are dealing with issues right now and cant chill) hmm... maby thats not being truthful... well... as long as you get the idea.
Let them know of course you will be all about chillin when things imrpove, but you may need to accept a few calls, PM's visits and you may even need to get out brefily and make an apperence to show u r still into chillin with them.
keep us posted, and try and get out sometime this week and hang with your buddyes, otherwise you may loose them.
DX'ed with HFA as a child. However this was in 1987 and I am certain had I been DX'ed a few years later I would have been DX'ed with AS instead.