hale_bopp wrote:
I am the #1 target for trolls on every message board I have ever been registered at. This site is no exception - I've got teelaclarke on my back (one example).
I get targeted a lot on the forums provided by my university, but that's only because of some things that I've said like "looks don't matter, it's what's inside that counts" and "not all guys are b*****ds"... just people who don't agree with my point of view - and yet those same people accuse me of doing the same thing... Pot calling the kettle black is what it is.
We are one, we are strong... the more you hold us down, the more we press on - Creed, "What If"
AS is definitive. Reality is frequently inaccurate.
I'm the same as I was when I was six years old - Modest Mouse