I dont know what to do. I have Asperger's, though im high functiong and hide it well, i dont handel emotions well. I think he has Asperger's too. hes really upset, and i tried to logically show him didnt mean to hurt his feelings, and i apoligised for everything i could think of, but hes still mad. im giving him his space, cause i think thats the best option, but not only am i stressed to my breaking point, i have never had any close friendships and i have no idea what to do. my experience is comming from what ive seen on tv, which i know is a horrible representation of how life really is. Any advice? He feels like hes been left out of a game a group of our friends are going to. And though unintentional, he was. No one thought he would want to go, as hes never seemed interested in football, nor in spending the riduclus amount of money the tickets cost. So noone thought to invite him. Now he feels hurt for being left out. I would get hm a ticket if I could, but we had to buy scalped tickets, and there is no way he would be even close to sitting with us. I wasnt even the one doing the inviting. I'd have fought for him to at least be invited if i knew all his friends but him were going. Any advice how to not make him worse, and what to do?
Last edited by jade10025 on 09 Oct 2007, 7:39 pm, edited 2 times in total.