One of my biggest fears is meeting people in a corridor or on the street and having to walk by them.
I have that problem too but after thinking about it I've decided that if it's someone much older or younger than me I just look down and ignore them since I really don't care what they think about me. If it's a hot chick my age who I'd like to date, then I get really nervous and worry what to say. I also get anxious if it's other guys my age who I'd consider being friends with because I don't want them thinking there's something wrong with me.
But whether you say anything or not, where do you look? Do you look past them, down the hall? Do you look at the floor (I'm guilty of this pretty often)? Or do you look at them?
I wish I knew. I often look at the floor but I know that doesn't look good. I'm thinking we should look at their face, probably their eyes.
It just makes me nervous because I have to approach them and see them for 50 feet and acknowledge them at the right time, with the right expression, so they don't think I'm weird.
I have trouble with the timing also. I often forget to smile. I agree it's hardest when you can see them from far away and you are thinking about when is the right time to acknowledge them.