schleppenheimer wrote:
Wow, I would love it if either of my boys would play football, but both of them were too uncoordinated. I've often thought that they eventually developed some coordination, but it came too late for them to actually learn the game and play with friends. Also, at least where I live, there are no "pick up" football games like there used to be when I was growing up. Everything is organized sports, and the kids around here start learning football at age 5. Yes, I said age 5. It's ridiculous.
I'm glad that football helped you learn eye contact. I can see where it would be helpful.
How old are your kids? I didn't start playing football until I was in 8th grade and had you learn all the technique and everything in a few weeks. And let me tell you something I tell the little kids I tell at the camp I work at: you may be different then other kids but if you work hard and are determined to put in that extra effort to get better you wont be as different then the other kids. Hard work is the key without you cant do much and with it you can do anything you put your mind to. So Kris Id encourage your kids to try sports they many not have the skills or the coordination but they will get a lot more out of it then playing time that they could use later in life.