Hey Here in Massachusetts we sophomores have MCAS this week (SATs cept easier and determine HS Grad rather than college acceptance :b)
During long composition time after I finished I noticed that some people were saving their essays in wrong place (on server where all testers could see instead of locally on their respective HDs. I was bored so I opened up a couple and read them among those I opened one written by this girl I kinda like read a few lines and closed it.
Anywho the first few lines intrigued me so I asked her bout it in class today she kinda got irritated and acted like I had read her diary or something I later learned she freaked cause she had a meltdown over that essay but her friend kept actin like I had committed one of the 7 deadly sins (she doesn't like me because i listen to their conversations without meaning to and react or can't resist the urge to comment sometimes (usually the conversations are about her)) moving on Was I really so much in the wrong or did she just react cause of associated stress?
I kinda got a crush on her so wondering what to do btw i am almost positive she knows nothing bout my crush (I've concealed all 5 so far to the point one of them confided in me bout one of her crushes)
Also I slip somewhat naturally into the roll of confidant, i'd rather start by befriending her platonically for now. how can I become friends with her
Her friend (who interestingly enough i've probably known longer than she has) complicates any possible relationship.
I wish I could find a common interest because without that most friendships kind of flop
All of us are computer programs running in a box somewhere I'm just one of the few endowed with the knowledge that it is a simulation. and no one seems to believe me *sigh*
I have the tendency to eavsdrop too. (I have noticed that people seem to think that if they shout something private, it's everone else's fault for listening)
It's possible you may not have enought common intrests for a relationship. That is how lots of crushes tend to work out...
When I allow it to be
There's no control over me
I have my fears
But they do not have me