not that I am remotely "qualified" to answer this...but try joining a club/organization on campus.
My campus had groups based on interest (running, yacht, nature, kayaking, geology, poetry, tennis, photography, film, foreign languages, travel etc..) and even on ethnic/cultural backgrounds (European Students club, Asian, Polish, Greek, Latino, you name it).
There were also religion-based organizations. And clubs for Med students, Finance club, Econ club, History club etc..
Is there something you think you'd have in common with such a club? Maybe ethnic background or interest? You could make a few friends this way, usually people that like what you like. Go to the Student Affairs office and request info on the list of such clubs/organizations on campus. Choose a couple that may be of interest and ask when they meet. Usually at the beginning of a semester, they have sign-up events. But you can join any time, they're happy to meet more people. Give them a chance.
You can also try a part-time job...going to the gym..getting to know the people that you work with on school projects (maybe go to a cafe to work on a project with them).