When to touch someone
This is my first posting ever on these forums...I am male, gonna be 25 in a few weeks, and self-diagnosed, and felt it was time to get involved on this site.
I have two questions for anyone who has found workarounds for these issues:
First of all: I've tried touching women in harmless places, such as on the arm, while in conversation, but I got a very awkward vibe from the whole thing. How do I touch someone appropriately at the right time?
Second question: I'm getting better at ID'ing indicators of interest; I've successfully predicted romantic relationships starting as much as a month in advance...but when I'm the one receiving these signals, I draw a blank. Instead, I have a tendency to get 'overloaded' and then I will either a.) freeze up, b.) send the wrong signals back, or c.) commit a faux pas.
Either way, any possibility of succeeding would then be gone. How do I 'raise the stakes' once I have a buying signal? I've had a couple girls interested in me in the past few years, but one of them complained that they never knew where the relationship was going. This is because I don't know how to handle the info and send something back their way.
Any information on these subjects, no matter how insignificant, would be useful...thanks a bunch and happy holidays!
JediFrogman also sent his excellent questions to me to answer in Dear Aspie... He read my reply and was kind enough to say:
Anyone interested in the reply can read it here:
Whatever you can do,
Or dream you can do,
Begin it.
Boldness has genius,
Power and magic in it.