ebec11 wrote:
sodarktheshadows wrote:
one of the most recent ones was when i became suicidal. it is amazing how quickly people disappear when they hear that "suicide" word...i thought just the depression was bad for that.
My friends have stuck by all through my suicide attempt, but I'm just so scared they're goint to snap and hate me

i understand the feeling...it's not very reassuring when you feel like that. i had some who when i mentioned the last attempt just basically stop talking to me altogether (took me a bit to figure it out...) and others have just kinda slowly stopped talking to me.
of course your relationship with your friends has changed - but you are lucky...if they have continued to stand by you at your worst, they are definately friends worth keeping. they have now seen you at your worst, and you have shown them you at your most vulnerable...things are bound to change when this happens. but talk to them about it if you already haven't...don't just ignore it and pretend like it didn't happen. have you talked to them about it since? and what exactly is scaring you about the relationship since the attempt? (if you don't feel comfortable discussing it here, feel free to pm me)
friends are like balloons...once you let them go, you can't get them back.
To the world you might be one person, but to one person you might be the world.