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Losing friends, being used etc u get the picture ?
Its typical for most humans NT and Asp to use each other for gain 21%  21%  [ 3 ]
Its NT's that really do this, they don't really care 0%  0%  [ 0 ]
Its aspies that do it as we don't have empathy for others, ( I disagree myself I think we feel to much) 0%  0%  [ 0 ]
Its best to just get on with it and be alone and enjoy it 7%  7%  [ 1 ]
Aspies are great as friends, we all get along 7%  7%  [ 1 ]
Aspies really clash unless your lucky ( the lady u was friends with could be aspie ) 0%  0%  [ 0 ]
It is possible to get good friends 7%  7%  [ 1 ]
Its rare to find a good friend now days 57%  57%  [ 8 ]
Total votes : 14


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27 May 2008, 2:50 pm

Well I hate to say it but I think I've been used yet again by someone who I thought was a good friend. Well It started when I was lonely earlier this year. I started chatting to a lady across the street from me and before I knew it I was plagued by her visits which I quite enjoyed on most occasions that is. We would go for walks through the countryside, listen to music and even watch films at each others house's.

Then she had some problems with benefits and things so I was really there for her, I even let her use the phone to make calls that I thought were free and she came around my home nearly every day making calls. I felt great helping her out. Also her grandson as moved in with her and he usually comes around to play with me on the xbox 360.

I had my kids stay last weekend and also her grandson came around with his friends who took over the place and left me and kids out so I told them all to go home and went to explain to my lady friend that I needed a break from her grandson. We carried on doing things together afterwards then all of a sudden bang, no more visits, no more going for walks zip it was like I never existed. She sorted out all her problems and I seem to be out of the equation.

I've asked her about it and she says she wants her own space which I wanted but put her first and could handle the company. I feel all used now and an idiot. She hangs around with another lady now as well and everytime I go around she says she is going to her friends. Inside Im thinking what a B.I.T.C.H. Does this happen to any of you lot and do you think ?


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27 May 2008, 3:33 pm

Maybe I'm missing part of the story, but this seems a tad melodramatic. Friends generally share some things with each other under the expectation you would do the same. In your case, she may have been pushing it a little bit, but for many people, there's a sort of gravity they'll fall into if you make your resources too available (especially if they don't have any compunctions against taking advantage of someone just a little bit). Boundaries need to be set even with friends.


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27 May 2008, 3:37 pm

This is what can come of helping people out - once there problems are dealt with they move on.
It is not malice towards you it is a need to put the difficulties behind and get on with the next challenge of life find new friends.

You just have to remember it is you who has done something good and a true good deed has no reward.

If the person is genuine then feel pleased for them if they are a user then they will destroy their next friendship and go through the same again you should feel sorry for them.

Wisdom must be gathered, it cannot be given.


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27 May 2008, 5:28 pm

thanks for the wise words people Im off to bed, mite carry it on tomorrow but I guess you have summed up a lot for me and a lot to think about.