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27 Oct 2005, 3:59 pm

Recently in my town, some people have been setting off fire works each and every day.
Is there anyone else here who jumps at the sound of fireworks?
Is that a typical 'aspie' thing?


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27 Oct 2005, 8:47 pm


Yes, loud unexpected noises cause me to jump out of my skin. Aspies can be jumpier than thoroughbred race horses :wink:

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27 Oct 2005, 9:40 pm

No, they've just gotten boring after all these years.


Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
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27 Oct 2005, 10:10 pm

I enjoyed fireworks most of my childhood, though I didnt like the really loud ones, as they scared me. Quit liking them so much after a firework accident at a show I attended..still feel the ground shaking whenever I see a firework :l I still think there pretty though :)


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28 Oct 2005, 6:47 pm

I build my own fireworks and jump at the sound of them, but so do people half a block away! :twisted: :lol: I can do this without destryoing people's property by directing the force of the blast towards the ground.

Blue Jay
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28 Oct 2005, 6:53 pm

I remember when I was a kid I was scared of fireworks, and there was a one once while I was sleeping, it woke me up and I thought it were colored lightnings and the world was ending. I panicked!

But now I find them nice, or boring if it's just some cheap family party type of fireworks.


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28 Oct 2005, 7:39 pm

I jump at the sound but enjoy the visual; however I suaully now am thinking to myself, "This money could have been spent in much better ways." Especially huge public fireworks displays. Like, maybe gone to the Red Cross or something. So I feel guilty watching.


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28 Oct 2005, 8:25 pm

I used to hate them when I was younger, but I've learnt to tolerate them now. They don't bother me anymore.


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28 Oct 2005, 9:20 pm

Sean wrote:
I build my own fireworks and jump at the sound of them, but so do people half a block away! :twisted: :lol: I can do this without destryoing people's property by directing the force of the blast towards the ground.

Have you ever tried melting a piece of lithium (or any of the other column IA metals - sodium, potassium or magnesium, which is column IIA)? It takes a while to heat up, but it looks like really cool fireworks afterwards. Burnt a hole in the sidewalk. :twisted:

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29 Oct 2005, 6:35 pm

I've always enjoyed fireworks.

The noise has always startled me though, I used to block my ears when dad launched skyrockets (before they were made illegal), and once I had my finger on my upper lip, and someone let off a skyrocket or some sort of firework, and my finger went up my nose, my nail cut the inside of it, and it bled LOTS.

for me it's the sudden noise that's a pain, because sometimes it takes longer for certain fireworks to go, and you aren't expecting it to happen when it does.

Larger fireworks are better, like in public places, the massive ones, because they aren't at such close range.


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29 Oct 2005, 6:43 pm

I like fireworks, if the time is right for them.

Jason Larsen
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30 Oct 2005, 1:31 am

Namiko wrote:
Sean wrote:
I build my own fireworks and jump at the sound of them, but so do people half a block away! :twisted: :lol: I can do this without destryoing people's property by directing the force of the blast towards the ground.

Have you ever tried melting a piece of lithium (or any of the other column IA metals - sodium, potassium or magnesium, which is column IIA)? It takes a while to heat up, but it looks like really cool fireworks afterwards. Burnt a hole in the sidewalk. :twisted:

I put some lithium chloride over a burner in 8th grade science and it burnt bright pink. The only lithium i have at the moment is litium carbonate pills. :( I could probably get a bright pink flame out of it, but I strongly doubt it would burn a hole in the sidewalk. I've seen magnesium burn (at least until the spots obscured it), and I'm hoping to aquire an old VW engine block in the relatively near future. :twisted:


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30 Oct 2005, 8:25 am

Some saltpeter
some charcoal
some sulfur
some magnesium bichromate,
or some aluminum sulfate,
or some chromium dioxide,
makes a really nice colors......


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30 Oct 2005, 9:45 am

Well the doctors not sure I have aspergers as I said I have quite a few friends- but I don't like many of them.
But I only jump at the fireworks, or loud noises if they unexpected. Rather like if people touch me, or more suddenly. If I'm not exppecting those things I get really startled and flinch.

Tufted Titmouse
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30 Oct 2005, 1:59 pm

I like the colours of fireworks. One of my favourite fireworks is the thing that you throw away and that spins. It has these beautiful colours, neon pink, green and blue. I don't like the sounds, though, it's loud and sudden and makes me flinch.

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31 Oct 2005, 12:47 am

I enjoy Fireworks on New Years Eve and Canada Day, because that's when they're used the way that they're supposed to be used. They kind of bother me on Halloween, because young people have Fire Work Wars, where they throw them at each other, and they do stunts with them, such as sticking them in varoius parts of their heads. They also pull pranks by dropping lit-up Fire Works down the shirts and jackets of people that they don't like. I've also seen them set them off, so that they would go off, just as a Seniour would be walking or driving by, or someone with a Disability that's very noticable in that matter.