And don't say too much. How much is too much? Saying too much about even something positive, is often treated negatively. I guess it's one of those NT things. If you say too much, it makes you look insecure, or maybe the very act of withholding information is valued culturally, for whatever reason, even if it's not about anything too personal and you're not blabbing about someone else.
The exchange of information is like handing out currency. Don't hand out too much until the other person starts returning the favor, or they won't respect you or value what you have to say. As with any enterprise, you can't make a profit if you give away the company store! The less said, the more other people want to hear it, and you have to make them work a little for it.
Shut up, you talk too loud,
You don't fit in with the crowd,
I can't believe you exist,
I've crossed you right off my list,
Too much, too soon,
You're way out of tune,
No Class, No Class
Way out, you're way out of line,
No buddy I can't spare a dime,
Fade out, baby that's right,
No bark and even less bite,
Your perfect smile,
Betrays your lack of style,
No Class, No Class
Ah No Class, No Class
Too late, you can't catch up now,
You face the wrong way anyhow,
I know you ain't got the brain,
To come in out of the rain,
Too bad, no magic,
I'm afraid you're merely tragic,
No Class, baby No Class
No Class, ah No Class
A boy and his dog can go walking
A boy and his dog sometimes talk to each other
A boy and a dog can be happy sitting down in the woods on a log
But a dog knows his boy can go wrong