Tahitiii wrote:
It is a huge spectrum.
Some Aspies make incredible contributions. Probably ALL of the notable improvements in history were made by Aspies, such as Moses, Jefferson and Einstein.
Others do extremely well, and no one pegs them as Aspies.
Some of us muddle through, and no one notices.
Only the severely disabled get attention, and they are a burden, not a threat.
Contrast this with the NTs.
Very few of them make world-class, positive contributions.
The ones at that world-class level do, however, manage to do horrific damage.
George Bush has murdered thousands because of his unresolved issues.
This seems inaccurate, and it's not like I'm offended because I'm an NT (I am a misanthrope, after all), I just think it's rather naive. I have read several biographies of Einstein and I don't see why he is the poster boy for postmortem Asperger's diagnosis. Yes, he was obsessive and focused, but he was also social and rather suave, and I never recall reading anything beyond stereotyped interests and focus that would suggest that he had Asperger's. Now Newton I would agree with, but not Einstein, but either way, it's complete BS to "diagnose" dead people and it's vaguely assuming at best. Also those are pretty extreme blanket statements, you're basically saying that all AS people are geniuses advancing humanity and all NT's are detriments slowing humanity down. I have read quite a bit about AS and nowehere I read that those with the syndrome had a stronger moral compass, or a greater propensity towards good than the rest of humanity. And also, AS is characterized as having an average-range IQ, leading to my confusion about your intellectual elistism. NT's and people with AS are not very different, both are normal people with their own impediments. NT intelligence is often impeded by social pettiness and preoccupation, whereas AS intelligence is often impeded by social inhibitions and anxiety's caused by such.
In other words, there is no big separation. We're basically the same, with relatively minor differences. AS is often called "high-functioning" for a reason due to the somewhat minor differences between neurotypical human behavior.
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