Interesting article.
Apparently northern European nations are supposed to be an introvert's paradise. Living in Norway, I can safely say that although we're thankfully far less talky than some other countries, it's far more than I would like, and that the rumor is exaggerated.
Finns think if there’s no important topic to discuss, there’s no conversation at all. In fact, one of their national sayings is ‘Silence is gold, talking is silver’.
Small talk outside social situations between close friends is virtually non-existent. Interactions with baristas? Limited to the name of the coffee you want to order. Sitting, walking or standing in a way that requires acknowledging a stranger’s presence? Never. (A meme featuring people standing outside a bus shelter rather than under it is an often-posted joke in Finland to illustrate this point.) If you’re a foreigner, congratulations – you’re probably the loudest person on their often (voluntarily) silent public transport.
Sounds absolutely perfect. Fortunately to some degree I can recognize parts of this (for instance it is def not common to talk to strangers here at bus stops etc, and people do normally look away), but the Finns seem to have perfected it.
Now I almost feel like emigrating.