BigGayAndy wrote:
I'd be interested to know if anyone else did this when first diagnosed, and how others here feel about the idea of making amends to those we have offended in the past with our so-called "rude behavior".
I did apologize to some people after I was diagnosed about six months ago.
I did it for myself, for my own good. It felt cleansing, because I felt I'd done some wrong to a few people when I was particularly stressed out. It didn't matter whether it was really my FAULT or not.
I just wanted to be reconciled with my brothers, so to speak. It helped me move forward in my life.
Understand, I didn't apologize for being AS. Rather, I told them I had some new info, and I was sorry if I'd inadvertantly caused them pain during (certain incident).
I agree with what others have told you in that there is no cause to apologize to everyone you know for being how you are. But if you feel the need to right some past wrong that you feel you can now sort out, then that is a courageous and noble act.
Whatever you can do,
Or dream you can do,
Begin it.
Boldness has genius,
Power and magic in it.