ok, I can give first hand experience about teachers and aspie's.
some teachers are very sympathetic when explained to that a particular pupil has aspergers, but may never actually look into the disability. They assume its a rounded off case and you just have problems fitting in, also assuming that you wont have problems with basic stuff like organization or think your dumb or lazy because your schoolwork doesn't match your ability. These teachers in my eyes are really annoying and punish you for things you cannot help. The other extreme is the one that thinks because you have aspergers your even more different and keep you isolated nd treat you differently. Although they don't usually tell the class about your disablement its almost as if they are painting a great big neon sign over your head saying 'hey, i'm the teachers favourtie as she lets me off with more stuff, come and have a square go at me for free!!'its really annoying and can also led to bullying, something we all don't need more off. the thing i would tell a teacher is strike a happy medium, know the kid is different but don't blare it out to the whole class! be patient and you shall be rewarded with a happy pupil who wants to try.