Fashionable people are always the most popular ones. Maybe there is an exception, but I haven't seen anything but this. They are the ones who everybody adores, except for some ''losers''. I guess that means I'm a loser, I never liked fashionable people. Not because of their clothes; I am the one that resents judging people by their appearance. Mostly fashionable girls are mean, often rich brats, what my reason of not liking them is. They are arrogant, gossip about everyone, even their best friends, they are extremely superficial, untrustworthy and indiscrete. I know it doesn't sound nice, but that's just what I've noticed and observed throughout the years.
It doesn't matter if you are a nice or warm person, it only counts if you wear fashion. It even is better not to be nice, but just as bitchy as they are. I find fashion ridiculous: Wearing long hot scarfs in summer, or shoes, impossible to walk on, not lasting longer than a week. When a fat girl wears clothing made for the anorexic skeletons on the runways it doesn't suit her mostly. Though, people say she looks magnificent! It looks crap, but they say it and mean it because it is fashion to wear that. When a fashion item is ''hot'', they all think it is great. A sezon after, they'll laugh at you, because you look ridiculous, but they forget the fact they wore exactly the same thing a month ago, but found it great back then because it was fashion. They all do that to look the same as all the others do! I'm fine with that fact as a fact, though I don't like it how they do it: They never want to be friends with you, when you don't wear fashionable clothing! You can stand on your head if you like, they will never like you just because you don't wear the ''right'' clothes.
I was bullied for a long time for not wearing what people expect you to wear; I didn't care that much, I always thought there were more interesting things in life to think about and to focus on. That made me a nerd, another thing that made people hate me. Fashionable people cling together in their world, you can't get in it if you dislike minding clothing, fashion, small talk, gossip, or superficial nonsense.
Recently I was quite shocked when I discovered what people talk about (I felt really autistic, I couldn't get people were able minding such superficial things), but I was more shocked when I discovered where people base their judgement of you on: Your looks. They say very vicious things about eachother, I didn't realize people are actually that mean and shallow.
How about you? Do you think fashionable people are mostly mean, or do you have other experiences?
Christians believe in The Holy Bible, Muslims believe in The Qur'aan and I believe in Mother Goose's Tale.