Recently, I have had a falling out with a guy on the spectrum. In his case, he had gotten a good job 2 years back and he has been changing. For one thing, he has been going around with a bad attitude and stomps around like a 15-year-old if things aren't his way. I.E, he stomped off after a movie and took off with out telling us what was going on. The next day, I confronte him on his behavior and told him that if he did not feel good in the future, just let me know. However, he took that as a major offense and made crude remaks like that he had mental issues. He also called me a b***h.
Then a few weeks ago, I invited him to go see a movie. He said yes and acted like there was no problem. However, I asked him if he wanted to pick some other of my friends up at a friend's house, he did not call. So, I had to get an answer out of him, which was a ,'no,' and couldn't tell me over the phone what it was. So, I sent him an e-mail and told him I felt like he was not treating us very well. I also got onto him about his lack of communication and that he is supposed to be a friend. Unfortunately, he told me that he wasn't interested in hanging out anymore because he his new neuro typical girlfriend is more important and that he has new friends. He also said he feels like they are better for him at this point. However, he didn't tell me that I did anything wrong or that he hates me. Unfortunately, he said that he wants to go different directions and not have me call and invite him out anymore. As a friend though, he wants to e-mail me but I told him that it is a brain dead relationship, what do you think?