Some people's kids
Do you ever get the feeling that some kids were not disciplined enough as a kid?
Case in point: Today I go up the campus radio station with another student whom I had in a different class.
We get in the elevator and push the button for fourth floor. On the way up this guy starts jumping up and down in elevator rattling and shaking the whole car. I can hearing things rattling around outside the car that I don't think should be even making noise. The whole time I can barely stand.
I've read before about the idiots who jump up and down in the cars causing them to jam. The fire dept and building and grounds then has to come to free the people, who promptly get fined by the police for disorderly conduct, and fined by building and grounds for abusing university property.
Some how with elevators, college kids don't seem to realize that one of these things falling 100 feet and crashing would probably be fatal to who ever is inside.
I live my life to prove wrong those who said I couldn't make it in life...
I believe most elevators these days are based on hydraulic systems which do not drop 100 feet when the elevator loses power or has a cable severed.
I do agree with you, though, that anyone jumping up and down in an elevator deserves a good kick in the rear.
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I see people as either immature idiots, or less so immature idiots, i don't got time to think about age groups.
And as always, these are simply my worthless opinions.
My body is a channel that translates energy from the universe into happiness.
I either express information, or consume it. I am debating which to do right now.
Ok. Thats great. Of course a child is in no way a conscious,spiritual,thinking being, but instead akin perhaps to a pet dog, whose behaviour is to be molded with a carrot in one hand and a stick in the other.
Last edited by venom on 08 Feb 2006, 3:57 am, edited 2 times in total.

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Ok. Thats great. Of course a child is in no way a conscious,spiritual,thinking being, but instead akin to perhaps to a pet dog, whose behaviour is to be molded with a carrot in one hand and a stick in the other.

And as always, these are simply my worthless opinions.
My body is a channel that translates energy from the universe into happiness.
I either express information, or consume it. I am debating which to do right now.
And then there are the kids with AS who throw tantrums in restaurants. Geez, their parents should really discipline them better.
It ain't all the parents' "fault", you know, and not every tantrum is a sign of a spoiled child. Sometimes it's a sign of a child who's overstimulated or otherwise distressed.
--Grayson, Aspie mother of an Aspie child who threw lots of tantrums in restaurants
I think two things - I think that the population is increasing too fast and that means that there are more people on (theoretically) on both sides of the bell curve - the problem is I keep running across the ones, not on the very low end - because I really enjoy being around mentally handicapped people (especially if they have Down's syndrome) but on the 'irritatingly stupid' end . . .
And I understand that some kids do have problems whether they are 'like us' or not - and we should be respectful of that - but I also think that a lot of people simply do not dicipline their kids . . . for example, I collect things - lots of different things - some more fragile than others - but one of my biggest collections are my beanie babies - they are not in piles in my house but arranged on shelves . . .
I had a group of people from my church over for dinner and one of them brought one of their children who is about 2 (now children really creep me out to begin with as they feel gooshy and smell bad to me - but this lady had no way of knowing that) - anyway, she let her child run wild in the house and then let it proceed to bring her approx 40 of my beanies one at a time - and then got mad at ME when I told her to stop . . . and I didn't yell at her - though I dearly wanted to - I just blocked her access to that group of beanies and was told 'We do not limit our children in that way!' - the problem being, of course, it is my house . . .
This same child will run up and take items off the alter at church (I go to a Lutheran church so there is a alter with candles and communion and offering stuff at the front of the church) and the mother does nothing . . .
And yes, I think this child needs a good slap on the butt - I consider my animals my children and I verbally reprimand them first (preferably in the language of their species if I have learned it - I speak cat and rat at this point - then in human, then with a squirt gun, and if none of that works or it is a very dangerous behavior they do get a slap on the butt . . . I assume if one day I lost my mind and decided to havea child I would do the same thing (possibly sans the squirt gun)
callista, about elevators and safety, i seen on a show about them and a show on discovery channel called mythbusters they were talking about elevators cables snapping and car flying to bottom, it is very unlikely in todays construction, there is safety devices and friction brakes on the sides of both car and the elevator shaft. the weight in car from kids jumping in it puts strain on the motor up in the penthouse causing the car to be jerky movements as motor is trying to overcome the differances rapidly in the changing weight from jumping. or it stops for safety reasons so cable doesnt risk breakage. the reason for the weight rating in an elevator is in case if something were to happen and friction braking system wer to be activated it will hold teh car there in place without risk of loosing its grip, but jumping all together it can cause the weight of the jumpers to exceed or go over the noted rating on the elevator becuase of gravity pulling on u in g forces
my guess to prevent any future accurances is tell the school's maintenace to suggest they post a sign to warn against jumping in the car.
^^^^ my best discription to what can happen and what probably why it got stuck(not an elevator mechanic but can be easily mistaken for one)

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I had a group of people from my church over for dinner and one of them brought one of their children who is about 2 (now children really creep me out to begin with as they feel gooshy and smell bad to me - but this lady had no way of knowing that) - anyway, she let her child run wild in the house and then let it proceed to bring her approx 40 of my beanies one at a time - and then got mad at ME when I told her to stop . . . and I didn't yell at her - though I dearly wanted to - I just blocked her access to that group of beanies and was told 'We do not limit our children in that way!' - the problem being, of course, it is my house . . .

I really feel you on this one. I collect beanie babies (over 150) and wouldn't mind if a child played with a couple at a time. But if he, without my permission, took 40 of them off the shelf I'd probably get the police called on me for spanking his mother's behind. Because I think the mother's the one who needs a good whuppin' for being such a crappy parent.

"There is difference and there is power. And who holds the power decides the meaning of the difference." --June Jordan
I'm not even going to argue.
But don't try and force this anti smacking stuff onto me, I'm not buying it.
I was smacked as a kid when I needed it and am better off for it.
Whatever the neighbours do to punish their kids it obviously isn't working. I've never seen 2 more bad tempered children in my life.
And for the record, Dogs are concious, spiritual and thinking beings, too. We are both animals.
I was smacked as a kid when I needed it and am better off for it.
I think that smacking a child is illegal in some countries. Parents can be brought before the law for doing so. Maybe parents feel less responsible for disciplining their children when authority legislates how they should do so.
I was smacked as a kid when I needed it and am better off for it.
I think that smacking a child is illegal in some countries. Parents can be brought before the law for doing so. Maybe parents feel less responsible for disciplining their children when authority legislates how they should do so.
It's recently been made illegal in the Netherlands. A policy which I find utterly stupid, by the way. I understand the reasoning; people shouldn't abuse their kids....but it's so hard to tell where that fine line between discipline and abuse is.....ah, heck, just ban all spanking and then it will be clear.

My kids get spanked when they go far enough (which doesn't happen very often). And they know it's coming, because we tell them. It's not the first thing on our disciplinary list, but it's on there. "Keep doing what you're doing, and you will get a spanking from me." I think this is a very responsible way to discipline kids: tell them what the consequences are for their behaviors, and then FOLLOW THROUGH.
I was smacked as a kid when I needed it and am better off for it.
I think that smacking a child is illegal in some countries. Parents can be brought before the law for doing so. Maybe parents feel less responsible for disciplining their children when authority legislates how they should do so.
It's recently been made illegal in the Netherlands. A policy which I find utterly stupid, by the way. I understand the reasoning; people shouldn't abuse their kids....but it's so hard to tell where that fine line between discipline and abuse is.....ah, heck, just ban all spanking and then it will be clear.

I was spanked as a child, but my parents eventually abandoned that tactic after realizing how it made things much worse. I absolutely hated it when my parents tried to spank me. Thus you can probably understand why I never developed much attachment to either of my parents.
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