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Pileated woodpecker
Pileated woodpecker

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18 Mar 2009, 11:29 pm

Hi, I have some troubles with this girl in my class. In my school, I'm usually not talked to or if I am I'm asked for help because I'm seen as a extremely quiet smart kid. Anyway, this girl in my class where we do a lot of group activities. She is in my group. She doesn't stop annoying me when I make it clear I don't want to be talked to. For example, I'm reading a book and she would look at me sometimes. I think she's bugging me on purpose. She says really stupid things when I accidentally bump into her and say "sorry." She would be like "no you're not!" Often times when I'm not even bugging her at all, I would sniff and she'll be like "need a tissue??" I think you get the picture. How would you tell someone politely to leave me alone?

By the way, my responses usually include pretending like I didn't hear her for the first few times or just mumbling it through. I have trouble stifling my emotions so I often show that I'm bother or pissed because she's around. I just keep reading my book when I'm annoyed.


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18 Mar 2009, 11:49 pm

Ask her to sit with you at lunch.
If you're friends, you can find things about each other that you like, and then maybe you can tell her what you don't like, without it sounding too bad.
Just an idea.

Pileated woodpecker
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19 Mar 2009, 12:02 am

Tahitiii wrote:
Ask her to sit with you at lunch.
If you're friends, you can find things about each other that you like, and then maybe you can tell her what you don't like, without it sounding too bad.
Just an idea.

Erm. I would like to add that I had a bad experience last year. She doesn't like me because I accidentally tripped on her last year in P.E. class. I wasn't looking >_> She called me a fatass! It wouldn't really work.


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19 Mar 2009, 12:31 am

That was a long time ago. Maybe she forgot about it.
I don't know. I'm just trying to figure a way to make everyone happy. She wants something. Does she do stuff to get attention from others, or is it just between you two?

Tufted Titmouse
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22 Mar 2009, 10:32 pm

Don't go near her. This girl is mocking you. Her goal is to annoy you. She knows she is annoying you. She is enjoying it. If you ask her to leave you alone, it will only get worse.

I'm sorry this is happening to you. Girls in Jr. and High School can be HOR-EEE-BLAY, as my daughter used to say. Exaggeration of horrible.

I think I get it, but lets check to make sure.


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24 Mar 2009, 1:48 pm

Actually in an odd sort of way I think she is trying to make friends with you so that is why she keeps pestering you. Seeing as she says overly blunt things maybe she is an Aspie too.

But if you really don't want her attention then you just have to get up some courage and said "would you leave me alone and quit bugging me".


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24 Mar 2009, 4:34 pm

Ticker wrote:
But if you really don't want her attention then you just have to get up some courage and say "would you leave me alone and quit bugging me".
No. Not a good move.
"Heaven has no rage like love to hatred turned
Nor hell a fury like a woman scorned."

You'd be better off asking her for a date.
When you're in your dorkiest pose and wearing your most hideous outfit.

Nah. That wouldn't do it either.


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24 Mar 2009, 4:40 pm

Mapler wrote:
Hi, I have some troubles with this girl in my class. In my school, I'm usually not talked to or if I am I'm asked for help because I'm seen as a extremely quiet smart kid. Anyway, this girl in my class where we do a lot of group activities. She is in my group. She doesn't stop annoying me when I make it clear I don't want to be talked to. For example, I'm reading a book and she would look at me sometimes. I think she's bugging me on purpose. She says really stupid things when I accidentally bump into her and say "sorry." She would be like "no you're not!" Often times when I'm not even bugging her at all, I would sniff and she'll be like "need a tissue??" I think you get the picture. How would you tell someone politely to leave me alone?

By the way, my responses usually include pretending like I didn't hear her for the first few times or just mumbling it through. I have trouble stifling my emotions so I often show that I'm bother or pissed because she's around. I just keep reading my book when I'm annoyed.

Push her into the wall. Not so she get hurt, but so she drops her books or her lunch.

She will most likely just have her mouth open, then close it again. And she would look at you with mixture of fear and disbelief. After that, she will fear you as much as you fear her.


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24 Mar 2009, 5:15 pm

Zyborg wrote:
Push her into the wall. Not so she get hurt, but so she drops her books or her lunch.
Perfect. Then you'll have the whole school and the staff against you. It's just the excuse they've been waiting for.


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24 Mar 2009, 5:22 pm

Tahitiii wrote:
Zyborg wrote:
Push her into the wall. Not so she get hurt, but so she drops her books or her lunch.
Perfect. Then you'll have the whole school and the staff against you. It's just the excuse they've been waiting for.

I did it with girl that fancied me too much in eight grade.

My class always kept respectful distance from me. I actually had half of classroom for myself. I enjoyed it, imagining that this territory was my kingdom.

She used to touch me in neck, and to ask if I wanted to follow her to parties. I said no repeated times. Then she started to tease me and call me coward. I put my hand on her face and pushed her into wall. She ran away.

Thing is, it is very likely that this girl is just using you and want to hurt you, probably due to bet with friends. Better to hurt her than let her hurt you.


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24 Mar 2009, 6:21 pm

Tahitiii wrote:
Does she do stuff to get attention from others, or is it just between you two?
I felt like Mapler's story was reminding me of something. Now I remember.
Zyborg wrote:
...probably due to bet with friends...
Now that you mention it, that happened to me once. Around 9th grade. Some guy who wasn't remotely interesting. He didn't seem like he was trying to be annoying, but it seemed funny that he kept wanting to talk to me and he was just really boring. I found out months later that he made a bet with someone and lost. And he was nothing to look at, either. The whole idea was so pathetic and strange, it took me a while to even get mad.


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25 Mar 2009, 1:52 am

Zyborg wrote:

Push her into the wall. Not so she get hurt, but so she drops her books or her lunch.

That kind of behavior will get a boy in trouble these days and get them accused of assault or sexual harrassment.


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25 Mar 2009, 12:20 pm

Ticker wrote:
Zyborg wrote:

Push her into the wall. Not so she get hurt, but so she drops her books or her lunch.

That kind of behavior will get a boy in trouble these days and get them accused of assault or sexual harrassment.

Agreed. The OP would have to be a girl, or she a boy for the OP to get away with it.

Stop apologising, replies like 'get a life' or 'do you really have nothing better to do?' are more likely to work.

I am the steppenwolf that never learned to dance. (Sedaka)

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25 Mar 2009, 8:56 pm

I'm personally going with mocking, the comments you posted seem rather snide. Of course it's hard to tell though without being there. I personally would endure her for now, then ask the teacher if it's possible if you could not work with her in the future.