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Tufted Titmouse
Tufted Titmouse

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12 Apr 2009, 1:22 pm

Recently i've started making plans to go to Bonnaroo and i'm feeling unsure on whether or not I should buy the tickets and go.

I would be going by myself, the concept of that doesn't bother me but the practice does. Sadly enough, I don't have any friends to go with(I am also going to Orlando for my birthday by myself) I can see myself having a great time... but I can also see where all of this can go horribly horribly wrong.

I can see myself getting there and being too shy to introduce myself to anyone, then subsequently kicking myself for not introducing myself to anyone. I can see myself not hanging out with anyone for the duration, but somehow getting ahold of alcohol and/or drugs to lift my anxiety and then hating myself in the morning because I had to "self-medicate" again to relieve my social stress. I feel that any joy I would have there would be directly offset by the anxiety and depression I would feel because I would feel like a total douche for being there by myself though in actuality there isn't anything wrong with that... for most normal people.

I dunno. I don't want to miss a chance to have a great time at a music event that i'll enjoy(and would ultimately regret if I didn't go,) but I still can't help but think that i'm just going to fall into the same old traps that I normally do at most social outings.


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13 Apr 2009, 8:45 pm

Either way, I'd say go for it, and whatever mistakes arise, try and shrug it off. Aren't there any acquaintances who wouldn't mind going?


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14 Apr 2009, 5:20 am

Totally know where you're coming from on this. It's one of those damned if you do, damned if you don't predicaments. To be brutally honest, probably 5% of impulsive stuff I've done turned out positive, or kind of positive. I'm not sure if it makes up for the other 95%. While we should congratulate ourselves for every little attempt to do something "normal", the overwhelming nature of the emotional residue from such attempts is crippling for weeks.

Just had a birthday recently as well, yet another "empty party afternoon".

"The world is only as deep as we can see. This is why fools think themselves profound." - R. Scott Bakker, The Judging Eye