I'm in an online school, and everthing I do for my eduacation is through a computer. My teachers communicate with me through a form of email we call k-mail. I have exams next week.
My grade in my english class is at least 110%. Because of this, my teacher sent me this message:
Dear Ariel,
I wanted to take a moment and thank you for your hard work and dedication to English class this semester. As a result of your efforts, you currently have an A in English.
As a symbol of my gratitude, I will be excusing you from both parts of the semester exam! If you look in your grade book, you will notice an 'EX' marking next to the semester test. This is just my way of saying thank you.
It has been a pleasure working with you this semester! Good luck on the rest of your exams and I'll 'see' you next semester!
-Ms. A
How exactly do I respond to this? I think "thank you" should be somewhere in there, but I don't want to sound like a jerk or anything.
PS I hope it doesn't sound like bragging, because I really didn't mean for this to come off that way.
I'm not mad, just terribly hurt.