JohnHopkins wrote:
I'd just say that people with AS are generally just less worried about trends and such like and so they will go their own path regardless of what's popular. That can mean running alongside or parallel to mainstream media.
Yeah. I agree with this.
The music I like tends to the kind that nobody can directly put into one single genre because it mixes together so many different influences.
For example plenty of people would call Marilyn Manson industrial/gothic except people who listen to industrial/gothic, who would call him "pop," except people who listen to pop music would hate having him associated with their genre (prefering to listen to Britney and Justin Timberlake), so then people try calling him alt-metal or nu-metal or something except he doesn't sound anything like KoRn or Disturbed. Some people would say he's just a rip off of Alice Cooper and David Bowie, but I don't like Alice Cooper or David Bowie but love MM.
And what of Evanescence? Same deal. Can't just be called pop, can't quite be called nu-metal, but not goth rock or classical, and not quite symphonic metal or gothic metal either, though they have elements of all of these things. They obviously have a Kurt Kobain influence, but they don't sound anything like Nirvana.
And Dimmu Borgir? Certainly not black metal, but someone who doesn't listen to black metal would think they were.
Bands that stick too closely to the confines of one genre don't interest me. In any given genre that I like, there will always be the flagship bands that have had a lot of influence and a lot of hits to the fans of that genre and what not; I'll often not like these bands all that much.
Most (but CERTAINLY not all) of my favorite bands tend to have a relatively large fan base, but tend to be too dark and/or depressing to be all that popular, leaving the masses of genre purists to despise them and denounce them, saying that these bands do not represent the genres as a whole. At it's practically a sin to even mention Marilyn Manson unless to say "He's not gothic and I hate him!", since they're so sick of the media calling him "gothic," which is fairly interesting since the VF group with the most members is its Marilyn Manson fan club. And what fan of black metal doesn't hate the living s**t out of Dimmu Borgir? I adore Dimmu. I adore Marilyn Manson.
I don't care that they have some popularity, I don't even care for the "pop stylings" that such bands have. I just like them because I like the way such bands SOUND...I tend to dislike totally indie bands because they often have bad sound quality, and not as advanced sound layering. I like Dimmu, for example, because of the dark symphonic elements, which it pulls off really well. Great sound, and great songs. I don't call that pop stylings. I call that quality music. If you need proof of that, consider that I also very much like Sleepytime Gorilla Museum and Dark Sanctuary and The Kovenant, three bands that aren't the least bit popular but still have a very clean, well developed sound and use it to create memorable songs.