I had a greatcomeback, but windows TRASHED it to install a worthless product I will never use! ANYWAY....
People do NOT merely "ask an individual to cease"! !! !! !! WHY SHOULD THEY!?!? NOPE, their LAWYERS send a C&D(Cease and Desist) letter!
http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&q=%2 ... +desist%22
Here is a sample:
http://www.utsystem.edu/OGC/INTELLECTUA ... /cease.htm
Their EXISTENCE is a threat to sue, and they often basically say they will! Look at the example above:
As you neither asked for nor received permission to use the Work as the basis for [name of infringing work] nor to make or distribute copies, including electronic copies, of same, I believe you have willfully infringed my rights under 17 U.S.C. Section 101 et seq. and could be liable for statutory damages as high as $150,000 as set forth in Section 504(c)(2) therein.
I demand that you immediately cease the use and distribution of all infringing works derived from the Work, and all copies, including electronic copies, of same, that you deliver to me, if applicable, all unused, undistributed copies of same, or destroy such copies immediately and that you desist from this or any other infringement of my rights in the future. If I have not received an affirmative response from you by [date give them about 2 weeks] indicating that you have fully complied with these requirements, I shall take further action against you.
Translation? You are GUILTY! Punishment is up to $150,000! Comply, or
I WILL SUE! They may EVEN specify punitive damages and the fact that lawyer fees may also be charged.
So, BASICALLY, the lawyers are saying that the minor AND their employer lied!! !! ! BUT, by indicating they know ANYTHING about the case they are saying that it is all true and THEY are lying!