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Joined: 26 Oct 2005
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27 Oct 2005, 9:50 am

I noticed in this forum, that there was no topics dealing with the discrimination that a lot of people with AS are subject too. I'm of above average intelligence, and talent; you can see an example of this in The main manifestation of AS that I have is my voice, it's slow, and the only emotion it can express properly is anger; the rest of the time, my voice is rather emotionless, which can be interpreted as a lack of enthusiasm. I actually interview extremely well, but it always seems that the job always goes to the candidate with the "better voice." Because of this, I've been denied a career, and I've been either underemployed or unemployed my whole working life. When I was younger, human resource people would be sharp and cruel, telling me "You have no 'experience [so I was going to get no 'experience']" As I've gotten older, human resource people now "damn me with faint praise;" telling me "Your credentials are most impressive, but they're not a match for what we're looking for." My skills are in Photography, Graphic Design, Web Design; so my voice should be totally irelevant. I was wondering what other people think about how they've been treated in the job market.


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Joined: 26 Oct 2005
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Posts: 10

07 Nov 2005, 8:41 pm

I have to add, that it's been my experience that it's still politically correct to discriminate against people with Asperger's Syndrome.