while i do give jenny mc carthy some respect for bringing autism to the public eye,and i do think vaccines *MIGHT* be a cause,
i think her voice is very misguided.
She thinks that getting her son to catch a ball and talk is "curing" autism.I think that its just making him catch a ball and talk.
The autism is still their,and you know what?
That shouldn't be a problem.forcing him to talk doesn't mean he will.when he gets old enough maybe he'll just choose not to.
i'm thinking we need to get to the people who are listening to her,rather then Jenny herself.
If we get to jenny herself first,we'll get mobbed by her followers,
but if we go to her followers first,and get a bunch of them to open their ears and the'r eyes,maybe we'll have a fighting chance of saving a bunch of kids from lifetimes of confusion.
or..meh.i don't know for sure.i'm just rambling cuz i'm half asleep and angry.^^
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