Sean wrote:
We need the oil! We're still getting screwed on OPEC's prices and if there was a new source of oil in the US, it would be harder to for oil companies to cook the books to hide price gouging.
Disprupting the habits of carnivores but not herbivores would cause imbalances in the popuaiton. More hunting licenses would need to be issued to correct the imbalance. The boundaries of the refuge might need to be shifted as well someday when drilling there become critical.
If we can find and use oil in the ANWR, the estimated potential reserves will last us no more than six months.
Now alternatively, we could look at alternative sources of energy. It's possible to gassify and liquify coal. Does nothing for the environment but would save on the issue of foreign oil.
Nuclear power, as all of my science teachers even in the People's Republic of Amherst point out is pretty much the ideal source of power from every perspective but cost. Now maybe if we stopped subsidizing fossil fuels and actually used our plutonium. . .
Going into that class I was the only libertarian, I think we'll see a lot more coming out.
Then there are renewable energies.
They're working on making solar power non-biohazardous.
Wind power has no negative side effects except the improvement of the gene pools of a few species of birds.
I don't see how tidal and geothermal power can be anything more than a novelty, but when done properly hydro's still safe and efficient. Waves, meh, really have no clue about that, I'm gonna go with novelty.
Biofuel produces no net increase in pollution.
Then there are all sorts of ways that we waste energy. I don't mean use it to ensure a better standard of living, I mean flat out waste it. Shoddy craftmenship and design costs us untoldfold more in the long run.
Anywhen, the world's full of idiots and nothing sane'll ever be done, so why bother. Once I'm an adult I'm buying some land by a stream, installing some water and wind turbines, (and perhaps a couple solar panels) and letting the world destroy itself.
I'm not insane, I'm just reality impaired.
"The difference between genius and idiocy is that genius has limits." -Albert Einstein