For some reason, sitting and standing has never been an easy thing for me. When I sit down, I can't just "sit", I usually need to either turn the chair so the back of the chair is to my side so I can lean up against it, or if the chair reclines, I have lean back all the way. Otherwise, I end up slouching over in the chair. With standing. I can't just stand still, I have to prop myself up by leaning up against, or holding on to something like the a wall or door frame.
I think that this might have to with the fact that I have poor muscle tone. I've never been diagnoses as having hypotonia, but I'm pretty sure I do have it. Despite the fact that I can curl 80lbs with one arm, I've never been able to "flex" my biceps like others have, my arm just appears to be flat. If I hold my arm limp and feel my biceps, I can play around with them and flap them around like they were made of jello.
I'm not double jointed, but with the help of others, I can simutaneously spin both of my legs around 180 degrees. My parents have always been amazed at the fact that I can spin my legs around and have the bottoms of my feet touch my face.
Is anyone else out here like this?
I live my life to prove wrong those who said I couldn't make it in life...