lisp liiisp. lisp, lisp, lisp. Lisp is a cruel word by itself, since people who do, cannot say it. "Hello, my name is John and I have a..."
"A what?"
"Well that--I have a--uh..."
"You stutter?"
"No, I don't! I have a lithp."
"Lithp? What's a lithp?"
"A lithp! It'th where you can't thay the eth thound!"
Anyway. It's like I have said in the past, ""Lisp was designed to be the perfect language... much like Communism was designed to be the perfect government... completely ignoring how sentient minds work." And I'm Communist!
(when (we 'have (contextual (recursion-with (side "effects") (and redefinition (it (is hard) (to (tell what (any-given (symbol 'really (means)))))))))))
((with lamdba (lamdba (setq) setq) (lambda setq)) setq "god, please kill me now")
I am so glad fonts stopped working on emacs. These days gvim, thunderbird and mutt do all I need, without any of those confusing recursive paranthetical statements. I think in stacks, not lists.
Last edited by synx13 on 20 Nov 2005, 7:40 pm, edited 1 time in total.