Yeah, but not everyone gives a s**t about the lyrics anyway. The angst theme often works well with those bands. Different things work better for different bands. But I don't judge bands I don't completely understand. I could say the same about your bands but I'm not going to, I respect all of it really. I happen to actually like a lot of nu-metal bands, they often have a good sound combined with heavyness, I generally find tradional heavy metal boring (with some exceptions), I like stuff that's heavy in some lateral way or another ie. on the more interesting end of the uninteresting genre.
I often feel that a lot of anti-nu-metallers take it too far and practice the same kind of ignorance they preach against. Like I'll pick up a metal magazine, and read some slagging off as they're way of disassociating themselves from the genre, and I'm like "I get the f*****g point, it's not metal but then again so aren't a lot of things, just like pop-punk isn't punk, so what, all of it should be respected for what it is otherwise you're preaching the same hatred and ignorance you preach against". I think it's good that as well as punk and metal we have these grey areas, they make the music world an interesting place. I'll admit some bands are unarguably s**t, like Drowning Pool, and Limp Bizkit is horribly overrated, but on the other hand many other bands I can find quite good if I give them a chance.
Still, Sum41, the anti-numetal band, I really don't have anything against because they don't take it too far, even though I'm not a fan of the band's music. As they put it "I wouldn't call Linkin Park nu-metal though. They're just a heavy rock band". I can at least respect those guys opinion on this.
To put a long story short, you don't like nu-metal, fair enough, but don't call yourself open minded if you put down the bands and those fans because you're not.
BTW, what many of you people find unlisteninable, I'm able to listen to with ease. I like really complicated music.
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