I'm the same way, mainly because my little brother has screaming tantrums every 10-15 minutes. He's 11, and goind through the same phase I did at 12-13...really crazy extreme angry screaming rages phase. I need to move out, but chances are looking slim. Oh well, still got 6 months to graduate. When I don't really trust my family with my social life (or anything really), because I don't really trust any of them. My mom is a talkative person (casheir) who comes into contact with at least 100 people every day. She's the kind of person who'll tell her life story to people she's never even met, social life + that = NO! She just got married though, so I might strike up the new husband for advice. The thing is, he got married in his 30's, what could he know aobut women that I don't already? Now I'm ranting, hope you have fun connecting with your family. I actually do get with them sometimes for a movie or whatever and talk sometimes, but I'm more content with my lonely room.